Hebrew Gregorian Canaan - Jericho Canaan - Bethlehem Canaan - Caesarea Moriah-> Jerusalem TEMPLE MOUNT
1 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 1 (All BC dates are approximate) Approximate Creation date of the earth, Adam and the Garden of Eden. (Hebrew Gan Edhen) is the biblical "garden of God", described most notably in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 2-3), but also mentioned, directly or indirectly, in Ezekiel, Isaiah and elsewhere in the Old Testament. http://www.noahs-ark.tv/the-true-bible-story-of-noahs-ark.html 5 the first day - light was created
2 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 2 9 10 11 the second day - the sky was created
3 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 15 16 17 the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
4 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 4 21 22 23 the fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created
5 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 27 28 29 the fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created
6 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 33 34 35 the sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created
7 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 39 40 41 by day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.
Hebrew Gregorian Canaan - Jericho Canaan - Bethlehem Canaan - Caesarea Moriah-> Jerusalem TEMPLE MOUNT
1 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 1 (All BC dates are approximate) Approximate Creation date of the earth, Adam and the Garden of Eden. (Hebrew Gan Edhen) is the biblical "garden of God", described most notably in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 2-3), but also mentioned, directly or indirectly, in Ezekiel, Isaiah and elsewhere in the Old Testament. http://www.noahs-ark.tv/the-true-bible-story-of-noahs-ark.html 5 the first day - light was created
2 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 2 9 10 11 the second day - the sky was created
3 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 15 16 17 the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
4 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 4 21 22 23 the fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created
5 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 27 28 29 the fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created
6 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 33 34 35 the sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created
7 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 39 40 41 by day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.
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Writer's pictureKeith Robertson

2012 December 18 (Tuesday) : Footsteps of the Lord

I felt a slight trepidation from my flesh yesterday, for I expected an ugly encounter with a jerk, but none came.

Pam and Roger very kindly made an appointment for me at Dr. Chalk’s surgery. I had felt a pain in my spine between my shoulder blades after the Ice Hogs game and it had actually eased after prayer, heat rub and a wonderful massage chair that they have in their living room.  I met Dr. Chalk, a soft spoken giant of a man I could see takes care of his health – there are some in the land of the free and the home of the brave beside Arnie and Sylvester!

We spoke of my history with the Brooms, since he wanted to know the medical history of my condition and I let him know the blessing that Dr. David Broom has been to me even before and since he put my lower back straight.  Dr. Chalk finds issues with my neck and upper spine and manipulates me into place with the delightful snap crackle and pops that only a skilled chiropractor is capable of.  Wonderful!  He also assigns me a princess – Holly to massage my upper spine.  I am again transported back to heaven with her skilled hands and warm oil and I tell her too of what I am doing in the USA and the ministry of porn eradication in believe the Lord has called me to.  She agrees that it needs to be dealt with. Another confirmation from another princess.  I thank her for her time afterwards and I wait for Kim in the reception watching the aftermath of the Cincinnati shooting on TV.  Kim returns from the therapy room in the same happy daze that I experienced and I smile.

Kim is a very chatty princess and I remember Pastor Colin’s first impressions of her at Renewal Fellowship back when she first started pouring her heart out to me.  He says to her in his Glasgow brogue , “Yer as delightful as a wee twitterin’ burrd!”  My mind flashes back to Mel Gibson’s “What Women Want” and I thank God that he knew in my heart that I desired to hear women’s thoughts as Gibson’s character does in that movie. I thank God again that he has given me a princess who speaks her mind even when what is on her mind is perhaps neither here nor there at times, but at least I have had the experience of hearing what is on the mind of a princess.  Wow.

Our next stop is the optometrist.  Kim’s dad, is a skilled optometrist and Kim has plied me with stories of how she receives favor in her dad’s office and everyone knows her there.  Indeed princess!  Everyone knows you since your voice carries like a bird on the wing and there are times when you are heard before you are seen.  Not to worry, princess, I can teach you the lessons I have learned.  That the Lord Himself saw it fit to give us two ears and one mouth which means listening is twice as important as talking.  Does that make sense?  I have also heard that we are to seek first to understand rather to be understood princess. To do that, I have found it wise to listen and not to speak. 

“Facing the Giants,” Alex Kendrick’s character in his encounter with a “Giant” in his own life – an unbelieving parent. with what princess?  Silence.  Eye contact alone.  Less is more. The poetry of peace, the holiness of hush, the roar of rest.

I collect my new glasses.  My new look for my new life from my new wife.  Square frames with magnetic shades.  Wow.  My princess is pleased!  I am again deliriously happy, for it has been my life’s ambition to please a princess.  More shopping.  Kitchen equipment. Planning, dreaming,  hoping, praying, believing, gratitude that confirmation after confirmation is coming, has come.  No drawing back now, no looking back.  No matter what.

We purchase a bridal magazine and a “Tangled” DVD.  Part of the vision that the Lord has shown me.  To see women as Jesus Christ Himself sees them.  If Jesus Christ Himself were to return to earth this morning, would He accept the porn industry as it is, right now?  I think not.  Princesses are being harmed, taken advantage of.  It cannot be allowed to continue.  I contact Eric Ludy on Facebook, to show him the vision I have.  Shelley Lubben will follow.  They will let me know their thoughts.  Disney has a unique talent in this. The Lion King. To be a Lion and not just a “meer cat”.  Wow. What a perspective.

I go with a princess again to a prayer meeting.  The encounter with a jerk does not even happen.  Jesus Christ has my back. Wow.  I believe at last I am at last following the footsteps of the Lord.

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