Hebrew Gregorian Canaan - Jericho Canaan - Bethlehem Canaan - Caesarea Moriah-> Jerusalem TEMPLE MOUNT
1 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 1 (All BC dates are approximate) Approximate Creation date of the earth, Adam and the Garden of Eden. (Hebrew Gan Edhen) is the biblical "garden of God", described most notably in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 2-3), but also mentioned, directly or indirectly, in Ezekiel, Isaiah and elsewhere in the Old Testament. http://www.noahs-ark.tv/the-true-bible-story-of-noahs-ark.html 5 the first day - light was created
2 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 2 9 10 11 the second day - the sky was created
3 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 15 16 17 the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
4 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 4 21 22 23 the fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created
5 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 27 28 29 the fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created
6 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 33 34 35 the sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created
7 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 39 40 41 by day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.
Hebrew Gregorian Canaan - Jericho Canaan - Bethlehem Canaan - Caesarea Moriah-> Jerusalem TEMPLE MOUNT
1 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 1 (All BC dates are approximate) Approximate Creation date of the earth, Adam and the Garden of Eden. (Hebrew Gan Edhen) is the biblical "garden of God", described most notably in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 2-3), but also mentioned, directly or indirectly, in Ezekiel, Isaiah and elsewhere in the Old Testament. http://www.noahs-ark.tv/the-true-bible-story-of-noahs-ark.html 5 the first day - light was created
2 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 2 9 10 11 the second day - the sky was created
3 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 15 16 17 the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
4 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 4 21 22 23 the fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created
5 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 27 28 29 the fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created
6 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 33 34 35 the sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created
7 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 39 40 41 by day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.
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Writer's pictureKeith Robertson

2012 December 30 (Sunday) : An unexpected perspective

Today a father in Christ shared with me an unexpected perspective.  He said that he was interested in my blog and he would be even more interested to see if I would take up the challenge of keeping up the blog five years or even a year from now, because his experiences of marriage have been, what is the word – challenging?  He spoke of the Princess-Prince-Jerk paradigm as too simplistic, if I understand him correctly, for I have not had time yet to treat him to a cup of coffee and for him to fully explain his position.    I of course, have no choice but to accept this challenge, for as my eyes read back over the history of these mind-blowingly historical moments for me, I see the confirmation of the biggest blessings the Lord has blessed me with so far and I KNOW that the Lord has a plan and a purpose for these pages and I am excited and inspired to see where He is leading me.  I understand that ladies in general have loved what they have read in these pages of this blog and I now understand that some men “want to give me a clap” over the same for “showing them up.”  Gentlemen, it was never my intention to “show anyone up,” but I do choose to be man enough to accept any and all consequences of THE most inspiring experiences I have encountered since my life.

One inspiring prince who I know to be a man of God, Prince David, gave a sermon in which he stated that the function of Christians in this world is to be a thermostat, not a thermometer.  The function of a thermometer is simply to check and reflect the temperature of a device or area.  The function of a thermostat, however is to check the temperature of another device and to REGULATE that temperature.    So if the temperature is too HIGH, it brings it DOWN.  If the temperature is too LOW, it brings it UP.  Profound, yet simple.  Thus, if Christians are simply FOLLOWING THE WORLD, we become REDUNDANT, the devil smiles, for we are not a threat to him or his kingdom and tragically we are not recognized by Jesus Christ Himself on the day of judgment and we are labeled a goat and cast into outer darkness. Alternatively, when Christians are SETTING THE STANDARD, we become a LIGHT to the world as Jesus commanded, and salt of the earth, the devil shivers and trembles, for we are an active threat to him and his kingdom, alarm bells sound in the pit of hell every time we wake up and we ARE recognized by Jesus Christ Himself on the day of judgment for Jesus Christ looks into my eyes and CALLS ME BY NAME and I am labeled a sheep and given an invitation `Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.’ Gentlemen, I choose the sheep option.  The words of the song “You’re still God, even when our friends desert us, still God when the media lowers the standard, still God, when the government has no answers” ring in my ears this morning and I recognize that this is an active choice, a daily choosing, a clinging on with both hands to what I know the Lord has shown me and more than anything in this life, I desire to mirror my Lord’s will on this earth and be recognized by the One who created me and to walk in reality upon the golden streets of His heaven, never to be separated from the King of kings. For what in life can compare to the awesomeness of THAT?

So back to princesses – my honest passion at this point in my life is to mirror what Jesus did for His bride, for there is tragically little of that in this world.  I would love to be a man that princesses can detail What Women Want, then point to and say, “yes, Finally, there IS a man who is listening.”  In the words of King Dave, Jesus Christ DIED for His bride, BEFORE His wedding night, if I understand the parallel correctly here, and I should willing to do the same for MY bride, for she IS a princess and she deserves THAT kind of unwavering devotion, commitment, for this is no contract, this is COVENANT. So, an unexpected perspective, but in the words of Martin Luther, HERE I STAND.

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