Hebrew Gregorian Canaan - Jericho Canaan - Bethlehem Canaan - Caesarea Moriah-> Jerusalem TEMPLE MOUNT
1 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 1 (All BC dates are approximate) Approximate Creation date of the earth, Adam and the Garden of Eden. (Hebrew Gan Edhen) is the biblical "garden of God", described most notably in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 2-3), but also mentioned, directly or indirectly, in Ezekiel, Isaiah and elsewhere in the Old Testament. http://www.noahs-ark.tv/the-true-bible-story-of-noahs-ark.html 5 the first day - light was created
2 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 2 9 10 11 the second day - the sky was created
3 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 15 16 17 the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
4 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 4 21 22 23 the fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created
5 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 27 28 29 the fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created
6 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 33 34 35 the sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created
7 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 39 40 41 by day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.
Hebrew Gregorian Canaan - Jericho Canaan - Bethlehem Canaan - Caesarea Moriah-> Jerusalem TEMPLE MOUNT
1 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 1 (All BC dates are approximate) Approximate Creation date of the earth, Adam and the Garden of Eden. (Hebrew Gan Edhen) is the biblical "garden of God", described most notably in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 2-3), but also mentioned, directly or indirectly, in Ezekiel, Isaiah and elsewhere in the Old Testament. http://www.noahs-ark.tv/the-true-bible-story-of-noahs-ark.html 5 the first day - light was created
2 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 2 9 10 11 the second day - the sky was created
3 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 15 16 17 the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
4 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 4 21 22 23 the fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created
5 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 27 28 29 the fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created
6 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 33 34 35 the sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created
7 Nisan 0000 4114 BC January 3 39 40 41 by day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.
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Writer's pictureKeith Robertson

What Is Freedom? (Under Construction)

Chapter 1 > The -5 Month Old Baby Boy

“Hello there, Little One!” said The Voice.

“Hello!” said Little One.

“Boy, are you in for a Wonderful Adventure!”

“I am?” asked Little One.

“Yes!” said The Voice.

“What is ‘A Wonderful Adventure?’” asked Little One.

“A Wonderful Adventure is Life, I came that you may have Life, and have it to the full.”

“Life?” asked Little One.

“Yes,” said The Voice.

“How is Life a Wonderful Adventure?” asked Little One. “What do you mean?”

“Growing, Learning, Building, Solving Puzzles, Freedom…”

“Freedom?” asked Little One, “What is Freedom?”

“Ah,” said The Voice. “THAT is a great question.”

Little One smiled.

“Freedom is in the Life that you are about to live, Little One,” said The Voice. “You will meet your mother and your father, and your brother who are all waiting to meet you. When you are born, your brother will be 14 months old.”

Little One nodded slightly.

“What else is in Freedom?” asked Little One.

“SO much more,” said The Voice. “You will grow bigger, you will do a lot of sleeping at first, after you have met your mother. Your dad will come and meet you in the hospital, where your mom will be, and he will bring your brother with him.”

“These things… are in the future?” asked Little One.

“Yes,” answered The Voice, “in the future.”

“How do You know the future?” asked Little One.

“Ah,” answered The Voice, “I know the End from the Beginning.”

“Wow!” said Little One, his tiny eyebrows lifting slightly, and his little mouth in a tiny “o.”

“Yes!” said The Voice. “You will learn to crawl, then to walk, then to run. You will see your brother do things you will wish to do. You will see your father and mother do things you wish to do. You will see how they do it, then you will copy them. Slowly at first in some things, but you will learn other things more quickly, for there are certain Gifts I have given you.”

“Gifts?” asked Little One.

“Yes, Gifts. You should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of My grace in its various forms. For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, and to give you a hope and a future. There will be others Out There too.”

“Out There?” asked Little One.

“Yes,” answered The Voice. "Out There is where you will go when You are born. You are growing right now, and when you are ready…”

“I will be born!” smiled Little One.

“Yes!” said The Voice.

“Wow! And You said there will be others?”

“Yes, others on the same Blue Globe in the Universe,” nodded The Voice.

“Wow! What will the others be like?”

“There are so many different people I have created. You see, I REALLY like variety. When you find your gift, some things may be quicker for you to do than for others.“

Young Rocky

“Wow!” said Little One again, “You mean, I get to FIND my gift, like a hide-and-seek game?

“Yes,” said The Voice, “It is My glory to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.”

“Kings?” asked Little One.

“Yes!” answered The Voice, “I have made you to be a kingdom and priests to serve Me, and you will reign on the earth.”

“What else is in ‘Freedom?’” asked Little One. “You mentioned Learning?”

“Yes!” answered The Voice, “Learning is SO fun! You get to NOT know something, and then you get to LEARN it, and afterwards, you get to KNOW it!”

Little One’s eyes grew big.

“Wow!” said Little One again, “it sounds like GETTING can be quite involved…”

“True,” said The Voice, “But here is some GREAT advice, Little One… Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”

“And this is all in Freedom?” asked Little One.

“Correct,” answered The Voice.

“And after Learning, You mentioned Building?”

“Ah yes, Building!” answered The Voice.

“What is Building, and what does it have to do with Freedom?” asked Little One.

“Another GREAT question!” answered The Voice.

Little One smiled again, his eyes lighting up.

“You will be FREE to build,” said The Voice…

“But wait,” interrupted Little One, “what things need to be built?”

“All sorts of things,” explained The Voice. You will start with Building Toys, but then you will move on to Building Relationships. Building Relationship with your mother, Building Relationship with your brother, Building Relationship with your Father. Building Relationship with Me.

While you are doing that, you will also build Trust. Building Trust with your friends, Building Trust with your family. And there are so many other things to build. Furniture, houses, roads, bridges, towns, cities, cars, motorbikes, boats, airplanes, hovercrafts, computers, operating systems, languages, websites, communication satellites, banks, companies…

Little One’s imagination was running wild. “All these things to build?”

“Yes,” said The Voice, “All these things.”

“Wow!” said Little One… and these are all to do with Freedom?

“Freedom, yes! You are free to build all these things and solve the puzzles in Life.”

“Yes,” said Little One, “I remember You said that there would be puzzles in life, you are saying that has to do with Freedom, too?”

“Yes! the puzzles in Life are to be SOLVED with your Freedom."

“But…” interrupted Little One again, “where do the puzzles in Life come from?”

“Ah!” said The Voice. “The puzzles are because there was a Wrong Decision in the First Garden.”

“Oh?” asked Little One, suddenly slightly worried.

“Yes, But I fixed it,” completed The Voice

“Oh!” said Little One, relaxing again. “So it’s already fixed?”

“Yes!” said The Voice, “My Grace is sufficient for you.”

“So I am free to grow, learn, build, and solve puzzles?

“That’s right,” answered The Voice.

“I have just one more question,” said Little One.

“Go right ahead,” answered The Voice

“Are there any other ‘Freedoms?’”

“So many more….” Answered The Voice.

Little One smiled.

Chapter 2 >> The 18 Year Old Puritan

Chapter 3 >>> The 48 Year Old Zimbabwean American

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